Wing Chun Kung Fu for Children

Wing Chun Kung Fu Classes for Children

Wing Chun Kung Fu for Children is a practical and effective self defence system.

The Practitioner will use the shortest path to the opponent’s exposed targets.

The principles of Wing Chun never uses brute force or force against force.

Children can defend themselves against anyone, no matter how imposing or intimidating.

Wing Chun Classes

Sifu Garry and Sifu Linda teach Traditional Wing Chun in Greensborough.

Greensborough is a northern suburb of Melbourne.

The legendary Bruce Lee and Yip Man movies have popularized Wing Chun.

Your Child will develop leadership qualities, excel in sports and improve confidence.

They will also learn a very practical and efficient self defense system.

Anti Bullying is a component of our Self Defence.

Are you interested in seeing your Child develop the above qualities?

Wing Chun Classes will definitely benefit your Child!

Traditional Wing Chun Classes for Children

Greensborough Wing Chun teaches Traditional Wing Chun for Children’s aged 10 to 13/14 yrs old.

There are two classes per week in Greensborough, a northern suburb of Melbourne.

Children will empower themselves to develop Personal Qualities that stand above others.

Children’s Martial Arts

The aim and obectives of Wing Chun for Children in Greensborough classes are:

To cultivate their full physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual potential.

These qualities will empower Children to develop into responsible Adults.

Children will learn to kick and punch, and cultivate Life skills which develop Leadership Qualities.

Discipline, respect, participation, listening and concentration skills will improve dramatically.

Garry Baniecki and Linda Baniecki are the Principle Instructors at the Greensborough Academy.

Wing Chun Kung Fu was made popular by the Legendary Bruce Lee.

The effectiveness of Wing Chun is also seen in the recent Yip Man Movies.

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